Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 26th: House of Dark Shadows, dir. Dan Curtis, 1970. (United States) 2.5/5 pumpkins

Two of my friends are die-hard fans of the Dark Shadows TV series; they even own that limited, pricey box set of the entire run which is housed in a coffin box large enough for a small toddler and have been to a convention set at the gothic manse this series condensation was filmed at. I’m grateful I watched this with them, as I’d otherwise have no idea what was going on (and as it was, outside of the main vampire Barnabas Collins and his bumbling henchman, I still didn’t grasp all the characters). Cramming hundreds of episodes worth of plot and characters (the show ran well in excess of 1,000 episodes), this is a mess, albeit a well-intentioned mess. Some great unintentional comedy, nice setting, but turgid acting. It’s a soap opera, though – what more do you expect?

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